The Slump Week

Well, I knew it would come eventually. Eventually, I would run into a week where getting to my comic would be the most challenging thing I could do. This week was that week.

Health issues, good things, bad things, and complicated things all got in the way. And even when I did have time, I had this overwhelming desire just to lay back, shut my eyes and try to avoid participating in reality. And thus, I only have a single page to show.

Am I discouraged with myself? Yeah. But at the same time, I understand that what I’m experiencing is a natural thing. There is an expectation that, if we want something bad enough, we will strive to accomplish it, and nothing will ever get in our way-least of all ourselves. But, just like those periods of infatuation at the beginning of relationships, eventually, things catch up. We aren’t machines; we are organisms, and trying to deny our nature will ultimately lead to our mental/physical demise.

Yet, it doesn’t have to be discouraging. If my body/mind/spirit needed time to regroup, I shouldn’t take it personally. Getting only one page done this week doesn’t mean I won’t get three done next time. It’s not to say that you shouldn’t do your best- that is the only way to move forward- but it is to say that in these situations, it is healthier to accept the downs as they are and live with them in stride rather than fighting my human nature as if it shouldn’t exist at all.

So new week, new me? Hopefully, but if not, I can still strive to do the best with what I have and allow my body to have needs. Peace be unto you all!

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